Friday, October 12, 2007

Who's rowing my boat?

Well...I've decided to give this blog thing a try. I hope to bring my creative juices to the forefront after an absence of quite some time. When I dont feel like telling everyone what is going on in my life they can just read my thoughts on here. Here goes...

Sometimes I feel like a paddle with no boat. I've got things going...just don't have the gumption to get there. Someone asked me the other day what my plans were. I told this person that I need someone else to tell me what my plans are next. Now, does that make any sense? No...but that's what I said. I have got to quit waiting for something or someone to tell me what to do next. Maybe Im thinking that marriage is my easy way out of having to figure out what to do with my life. I am not usually a follower. Especially when it comes to guys, but if I found the "one" I wouldn't be alone in figuring things out. I not alone. God is here...I just need to give him my paddle. I would feel safer in His boat anyway.


Erin said...

I've had similar thoughts before and I'll probably continue to have them.

Welcome to the blog world!! Love you! See you soon!

Claire said...

aww...aub. you have a blog. I think I found that rather unexpected, but pretty cool nonetheless.
You are precious and I don't say this with the intent of sounding cliche, but God is SUPER excited about the plans and the...things that He has for you. He knows very well that you're waiting for your man. For now its ok to just be..a lonely girl who's not sure about her next step. :) Pursue Him and seek out the things that you love and that make you come alive. He's given you certain desires for a reason.